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Studie toont verband tussen Thimerosal (in vaccinaties) en autisme aan

Door: Yvom | Datum: 25-10-2009 | Laatst gewijzigd: 25-10-2009 | Gezondheid

(NaturalNews) In a study just published, a causal connection between Thimerosal, the preservative often used in vaccines, and the brain pathology found in patients diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), has been established. The study, A Mitochondrial Dysfunction, Impaired Oxidative-Reduction Activity, Degeneration, and Death in Human Neuronal and Fetal Cells Induced by Low-Level Exposure to Thimerosal and Other Metal Compounds was published in the June 2009 issue of the peer-reviewed journal Toxicology & Environmental Toxicology.1

In the study, it was found that the amounts of Thimerosal found in inoculations commonly given to infants in the 1990s and still in use today (though more limited) induced levels of cellular toxicity. This cellular damage was consistent with that found in studies of patients diagnosed with ASD.

Both studies found significant mitochondrial dysfunction, reduced cellular oxidative-reduction activity, cell degeneration, and cell death being tied to ASD. All of these contribute significantly to ASD diagnosis and are also often attributed to other childhood and early development maladies.

Here at Natural News, of course, readers are likely well aware of the links between Thimerosal and autism. Until now, those links have mostly been implied and inferred through anecdotal evidence and court cases. Nevertheless, the link between mercury, Thimerosal and childhood autism rates has been exhaustively covered here.2

Now, conclusive scientific evidence that cannot be ignored has been published in a peer-reviewed journal. This gives those of us concerned with the issue more ammunition to use in forcing lawmakers to acknowledge the link and for pharmaceutical companies who've been pushing their wares on us to become accountable for it.

This study also showed that Thimerosal is much more toxic than other metal compounds included in the study and commonly found in vaccines. Other compounds studied included aluminum sulfate, methylmercury hydroxide (often blamed for autism), lead acetate, and mercuric chloride. This study does not take those compounds off the hook, of course, but does show that Thimerosal is significantly more toxic than even methylmercury.

The explanation for that higher toxicity lies in the fact that Thimerosal is not naturally-based, but manufactured.

First created in the 1920s as a stronger replacement for alkylmercury compound, it's biological transport and intracellular delivery properties were enhanced. The study shows that, in comparison to methylmercury hydroxide, Thimerosal has three distinct toxicity-enhancers:

  1. Higher aqueous solubility - the ability to dissolve in water.

  2. Higher solubility in cell membranes - the ability to dissolve in cell membranes.

  3. Higher intracellular toxicity - the ability to inactivate essential cell processes.

The study was done by CoMeD, Inc. (a non-profit) through a grant from the Brenen Hornstein Autism Research & Education Foundation and the non-profit Institute of Chronic Illnesses, Inc. Attribution was also given to the Genetic Centers of America.

CoMeD, Inc. and BHARE recommend parents and health care providers have children with ASD diagnosis tested by urinary porphyrin profile analysis (UPPA). More information is available at CoMeD's website, including free information on ordering UPPA tests as well as papers validating those tests.

1 - A Mitochondrial Dysfunction, Impaired Oxidative-Reduction Activity, Degeneration, and Death in Human Neuronal and Fetal Cells Induced by Low-Level Exposure to Thimerosal and Other Metal Compounds

2 - Natural News "Thimerosal" articles:

3 - Press Release from CoMeD on study:


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